Forty thousand people in the United States die each year on the road!

Avoid driving or pulling your RV during bad weather and high winds. Because of the size and mass of RV’s it can be extremely dangerous to travel during periods of high winds. It’s better to get to your destination one day later, than to risk traveling in bad weather.

Eventually you will have to pass another vehicle in your RV. It's not difficult to pass but with a large RV it requires more space and time than the average automobile. Make sure you have plenty of room and use your turn signals to change lanes. Accelerate until you are past the other vehicle and you can see both of their headlights in your side mirror. Signal again to return to the other lane and pull back in. Maintain your speed ahead of the vehicle you just passed.
Read Mark's in depth RV safe driving article: 2007 by Mark Polk, owner of RV Education 101
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